Sunday, November 1, 2020

Changing Seasons


The seasons change slowly on the Greenway, but in a blink of an eye. You feel the warmth of summer leaving a little more each day, sometimes quickly, returning for some time. Then one day it's gone, and you know it will be long, dark months before its return. Sure, there will be some relatively mild days of sunshine that feel balmy, but they are a slight and temporary reprieve.

From a distance, the colors alternate between green and brown annually. All the individual yellows, purples, whites, and oranges of the flowers are invisible from a distance, just like the insects and birds that make the area hum and sing. Only the shape of the landscape and the wide swathes of color remain. 

When I look back through photos, I sometimes think I spend too much time focused on those small individuals: the butterflies and the butterfly weed, the coneflowers and the wasps. The wider fields are sparse in comparison. But then I recall that each of those  interactions is an experience with another individual sharing our Greenway, a brief moment in time captured. 

Each view is necessary. The small daily snapshots that make life what it is, and the larger perspective showing where we are and where we're going. Make sure to look closely, but also make sure to look up and around once in a while too!

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