Sunday, January 22, 2017

Tax Season!

Ah, late January. The holidays have passed, and instead of Christmas cards or Christmas bills, we begin receive our 2016 tax documents!
Now first, a confession: I love paying taxes. Seriously. I see it as a civic duty and privilege to contribute my hard-earned dollars to the betterment of my city, state, and country. It tickles me to see public parks, snow plows clearing streets, and public schools serving all students, knowing that I am helping pay for them. The construction and recent completion of the First Avenue underpass made me giddy.
Remember the Chickadee
Checkoff at tax time!
I may not agree with the way every tax dollar is spent; I understand there is waste and subsidies of things of which I disapprove. But the same way I can't fritter away my paycheck on candy and toys, I understand that I can't just direct my federal taxes to support the National Park Service and USAID (although that doesn't stop me from imagining it to be the case).
When legislators in Des Moines and Washington decide that taxes oppressive and commit to cut them at all costs, what's a tax-and-spend-happy citizen like me to do?
One easy option is to contribute to the Chickadee Checkoff, a line near the end of Iowa 1040 tax form labeled "Fish/Wildlife." This little line allows you to add an additional donation to your taxes; the funds are directed to the Wildlife Diversity Program through the DNR in support of non-game wildlife through research, conservation programs, and education. 
The donation can be deducted from your refund, if available, or you can tack it on to your tax bill if you owe. You can give as little as a dollar, or as much as you'd like--you can even just round your taxes due up by a couple dollars (or your refund down) to make it a nice, even amount.
Simply put, when you love something and believe in it, you invest in it. If you want a quality product, you need to fork over the cash for quality materials. If you want to live in the greatest country in the world, you can't expect to run it on the cheap. I am happy to live here, and more than willing to contribute my share to make this a great place for all its citizens. 

1 comment:

  1. If only more people employed your way of thinking! Wonderful read.
